Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Zantrex 3 Review - My Results and Information

Zantrex 3 Review - My Results and Information
http://www.supplementcritique.com/zantrex-3-review We tested Zantrex 3 for a week to test out its effectiveness. See my results and learn more about how it w...



  1. After 2 yrs of being a couch potato I just bought Zantrex 3 buy one get one free at walmart, 2 bottles (60 caps each) for $20. I haven't worked out in 2 yrs, before that I worked out and kept a clean diet for 5 yrs straight, I am motivated and ready to get started again.

  2. OfficialPaladinRadioJune 18, 2013 at 11:42 PM

    for those who dont know caffine is a diereitc ie it makes you lose water weigh.t water weight can be up to 15 lbs I dont have a clue how much the caffine rasies you metabolisim. I will say durex water pills are alot cheaper and will make you lose more faster if you are looking for water weight loss

  3. OfficialPaladinRadioJune 19, 2013 at 12:17 AM

    This product contains a significantly potent xanthine (i.e., caffeine and caffeine-like stimulants) mixture, of about 200 mg per serving

  4. Can I just ask what this may do to the liver?

  5. Im 16 and im 245 pounds male. Which one should i take?? Red or blue?

  6. How young do you think is to young to take Zantrex?!

  7. Bajifarkhanda SafdarJune 19, 2013 at 1:58 AM

    Hey YouTubers, have you seen Ultra Slimming Formula? (look it up on google) You will find out about the crimes we commit against ourselves. With Ultra Slimming Formula, you will discover how to burn fat fast.

  8. hey am going to turn 17 this year on april am just asking am i to young to use this pills to lose wight

  9. Has anyone watched the vid using the caption....when hes explaining the ingredients the caption states it contains your roommate!!

  10. i gained weight i was also drinkin alcohol heavily but does that really matter that much

  11. Blue bottle broke me out red blotches all over. Painful to

  12. Looking to try the blue bottle soon

  13. I lost a bit of water weight around my thighs. Im 27 5ft9 163 BMale

  14. same here . only i did lose about 7 pounds , with lots of exercise

  15. I lost a lot of weight with the blue bottle of Zantrex3

  16. @tyreemedina12 The red bottle, if your gonna do cardio it will give u more energy to keep u doing more time on your workout which is best :D I use it but only take two capsules a day one in da morning and one at night because if you take da 4 pills 2 in da morning and 2 at night ur gonna be up like a Zombie 24/7 than your gonna start to feel sick trust me lol I take em and I seen good results . Good luck xD

  17. So I'm 344lbs and 21 yes old and I'm basically gonna start doing an hour of cardio a day what bottle would be best?

  18. He sounds like John Candy

  19. SupplementCritiqueJune 19, 2013 at 7:32 AM

    search google for Zantrex 3 red bottle vs blue bottle, I have a full article posted on the differences between the 2.

  20. Okay can someone please tell me whats the difference between the
    red bottle and blue bottle...?
    F.Y.I I'm taking the blue bottle one?

  21. yes it is, it's a great fat burner. i took it myself and i lost a pretty good percentage of my body fat

  22. Do you think it would be alright for me to use this or the red bottle if I am a little under 18 because I heard that they recommend that you not take it if your under 18.

  23. I took this awhile back it made me so sick, I had vomiting, dizziness, it was horrible! I didn't work for me.

  24. SupplementCritiqueJune 19, 2013 at 9:58 AM

    I would imagine you would be ok, but I would check with your doctor first.

  25. This product is pretty effective, but you should not take it if you have a smaller build or a low caffeine tolerance. It'll make her heart race in the worst sense followed by extreme nausea. So yeah, you'll lose weight, but only because you feel too sick to eat.
