Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Phen375 Scam

Phen375 Scam Imagine yourself using Phen375 to effortlessly become slimmer super-fast. Any doctor or nutritionists will tell you t...
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Weight Loss - The Beginning - Watch Me Shrink
http://BurnFatOff.Co.Uk Operation: Watch Me Shrink Height - 5'5" Weight - 178.4 lbs Measurements - I don't have a tape measure this week. Hopefully I can get...
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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  1. I love black skin :) chocolate :)..I must go at the artificial tanning ..:)

  2. why all the other videos on your channel
    dont have u in it?

  3. *lifts up top* ho ho ho
    lol! good luck with the weight loss :)

  4. why u did not show us ur boobs

    so i wanna make sure if u shrink or not


  5. you can do it! you're gonna look great. im doing one also. you should check it out.
