Friday, June 21, 2013

Vlog #2 Weight Loss With Lipotropic Injections/ B12

2nd Vlog!! I did not lose any weight this week grrr!! I know lol but I did lose 2 inches and thats is freakinggg awesome and exciting well at least to me ha!...

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  1. Anyone tried the Proladox Diet Plan (just google it)? I have heard some amazing things about it and my buddy lost a lot of weight with it.

  2. Guys, losing weight does not need to be difficult (I used to think it did). I'll give you some advice right now. Look for a Diet plan known as Proladox Diet Plan (do a google search). Seriously, that program has transformed my entire life. I probably should not even be talking about it because I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same "game" but whatever, I am in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.

  3. Mohammad KartikasaroJune 21, 2013 at 5:02 PM

    Anyone tried the Proladox Diet Plan (search on google)? I've heard several great things about it and my mate lost crazy amounts of weight with it.

  4. I am a gym member and go too lol, and obviously I've done Diet and exercise, Thanks:)

  5. Hello there!

    Have you ever tried the Avon Fat Furnace?
    Maybe it could help you burn off your stubborn body fat in a ingenious, healthy way - and most importantly - for good, like it already did for tens of thousands of people.

    As a favor to you, I compared this to other sorts of solutions, and you know what? Avon Fat Furnace always works far better. You can get for yourself why, (just Google "Avon Fat Furnace").

  6. Diet and exercise. that is ALL you need. I would join a real gym too.

  7. It would be a shame for you not to shed pounds when normal people are able to burn fat so easily with Fat Blast Lifestyle (search for it on google).

  8. Wow thats great I'm soo happy for you and how do you like the phentermine? What side effects have you had so far?

  9. I went to a weight loss dr in my city.he did exam i paid 100 for visit, i got hcg oral 69.75 i got phetamine and the lipotropic injections...i was scared but its cool i feel good lost 3 pounds since monday

  10. I live in Arizona and I'm not sure whats in your area but I get them from a medical weight control clinic. I would just look up some in your area and call and get information on there clinic.

  11. hi...where you bought,,how you feel with injections I want to buy but do not know where I have to go to a doctor,, thank you very much

  12. where can i get OMG u look soo pretty ,,

  13. Awww thanks thats makes me feel awesome:)) Let me know how it goe for you I should have a new video up real soon!!

  14. ok Adrian...i just watched your first video..and girl u look way skinner..i can see it all in your face..omg im so happyyy i go saturday im going to so sexy by christmas
